Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Awarded & Tagged !!

I've been awarded, the fabulous Lyndsey has given me this award and tagged me. I'm supposed to pass it onto 5 people as I haven't many 'blog friends' yet I'll save it for a bit and pass it on at a later date.

1. My Gwyn & My Ben
2. My kitties, Scrumpy, Stella & Molly
3. Card Making
4. Sitting down on an evening after Ben has gone to bed with a movie or a good programme.
5. Handbags - It's a running a joke in my family as to how many I own!

1. Fake Friends
2. Changing the Cat Litter Tray
3. Banana's - Bleugh!!
4. People with no manners
5. When the internet goes off - what did we all do before!?

It hasn't been updated for a while
1. KT Tunstall
2. Artic Monkeys
3. The Fray
4. Snow Patrol
5. McFly (Have sen them twice in concert! Fab)

1. Chocolate
2. Chocolate (Lurve chocolate!)
3. Diet Coke from a can or Macdonalds (Why does it always taste better ?!
4. Magners
5. Chiquito's

I'm supposed to pass them onto 5 people as I haven't many 'blog friends' yet I'll save it for a bit and pass it on at a later date.

No cards tonight (again!) I've spent the evening 'Blog Hopping', you can spend ours looking at other peoples sites.
Also I need your input please, I'm looking for some sentiment stamps, preferably clear. Can anyone recommend any ?
x x


amanda stokes said...

OMG!!!this is sooo startin to piss me off!how come everyone else know's how to put awards etc on their blogs and i don't think i may give this blog stuff up cuz it's really startin to get me down.:)

The Crafty Blonde said...

Hi Bex,
The papermania rub ons were from WH Smith in a 3 of 2 offer. They are some of the old ones but these must have been a good batch cause they rub off really easy.

Lyndsey xx